Thursday, June 12, 2008

12 Step Program :) For Scrap Junkies

I snagged this from Tishia's Blog (One Scrappy Chic), It is so funny, I had to share it!! :)
Step Program of Recovery for Freebie Hunting Addicts
1. I will eat a proper breakfast, seated at the table, before I boot up my computer in the morning.
2. I will get dressed before noon.
3. I will make an attempt to clean the house, wash the clothes, and plan dinner before even thinking about downloading freebies.
4. I will remember that I have a husband and/or family, and that I used to enjoy spending time with them.
5. I will remember I have a dog/cat and remember to feed and care for it, as I should.
6. I will not eat my meals, in front of a computer, while blog hopping.
7. I will try to get out of the house, at least once a week, if it is necessary or not.
8. I will talk about subjects other than scrapbooking, when I am with friends and family.
9. I will remember that my life used to be filled with other interests that I have given up, now that I am so busy freebie hunting.
10. I will not download items that I will never use, just because I can.
11. I will try to make time to scrap some pictures with all the beautiful kits I've collected.Last, but not least.
12. I will remember that I must go to bed. Those freebies will still be there tomorrow.
Now, wipe all that guilt away and get those freebies!

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